There is a common misconception that pastured chickens consume only the forage in the pasture. It would certainly be a more efficient and economical way to raise birds. Chickens are omnivorous and they do prefer to scratch around looking for bugs, worms, and grass, but like pastured pigs, for the chickens to grow requires supplementation. Over eighty percent of a pastured chicken’s diet comes from supplemented feed. This amount can vary and can be even closer to 100% for faster growing commercial breeds that are being raised on pasture. The desire to forage has been bread out of many of the meat bird breeds.
You are what you eat, and we want to provide clean meat. We produce pastured poultry utilizing a chicken tractor. A chicken tractor is a movable chicken shelter without a floor, and it has open air walls and roof, allowing the chickens access to the sunshine, grass, soil, bugs etc. This also helps with fertilizing our pastures. As the tractor is moved daily, the droppings and excess feed are left behind to add fertilization to our pastures. Non-Organic feed may be produced from plants that were treated with pesticides including glyphosate.
We have made it our mission to regenerate our land and health and leave things better for the future generation. We have also made a promise to ourselves and you not to sacrifice quality over quantity and convenience. Choosing non-organic feed would allow us to raise the meat at a lower cost, but that cost is not worth the risk of the damage that chemical residues are causing and their damaging effects that are yet to be discovered. So, when asked why we choose certified organic feed when we are not a “certified” organic farm, we say “for our health, your health and the health of the environment.”