I’m so excited to inspect my newly trampled and fertilized lawn. There is poop everywhere! I can’t step 2 feet without finding a pile. (That’s what they would technically call an even manure distribution.) The hay has been eaten, and what was not eaten was trampled. (Again, technical description, animal impact) There not a top left in those nasty little green clumps that I desperately desire to eradicate from my lawn. The ones that were not eaten or buried under hay matter, are mashed into the ground and broken. It’s the textbook picture of the herd effect, and it’s all in my lawn.
Two weeks later, I have rye grass popping up everywhere and the Star of Bethlehem plant is not recovering. Most of them look wilted, so I take this opportunity to weed-eat those that are still alive. I know they will be back next year, but hopefully in smaller numbers. It takes about 3 weeks for the manure piles to break down and now the lawn is safe for travel.
I’ve decided to add the lawn to our cattle rotation at least twice a year. I think a spring and fall pass will work wonders. This fall I plan to send in my chicken army a few days behind the cows. This should help with pest control and speed up the cow patty breakdown. I’ll keep you posted.