Pastured Pork
Pork as it should be
When we started looking for pastured pork for our family, we had a few requirements. First, the pigs should be raised humanely, out of confinement, and moved frequently in keeping with regenerative practices. We want our food as clean as possible, and pork fed Non-GMO feed was also at the top of our list.
We were thrilled to find a Local family farm that checked all the boxes!
Hart Family Farms
Jared and Elizabeth Hart are a husband-and-wife team working side by side raising animals as nature intended. They have a passion for above the bar animal husbandry, soil health, and producing a clean, nutrient dense product. They are local to North Carolina (just a few minutes from our farm) and use regenerative practices when managing the land and animals.
We are excited to partner with Hart Family Farms to bring you pastured pork as it should be.
Heritage Breeds
Many of the natural qualities such as maternal instinct and fat and marbling ability have been bred out of modern hogs due to selection and breeding for a confined environment. Heritage breeds were typically raised in the forest and on pasture and have the instinct to thrive in their natural environment. Heritage breeds also have more intramuscular fat (aka marbling) which makes the meat flavorful and keeps it moist.
Frequent Moves to fresh ground
Pigs are born and raised outside in woods and pasture and are moved frequently. Pigs like to root, and keeping them in one place too long leads to land degradation, so it is important that they are always moving. They are trained to a poly braid fence and paddock sizes can be adjusted due to changes in the weather and animal needs.
Humane Animal Handling
Happy Pigs
Excess stress, or confinement can adversely affect an animal’s health and make them more prone to disease and illness. Offering fresh ground frequently keeps the animals in a natural rotation, reduces stress, and results in calm, healthy animals.
Non GMO Feed
Pigs are monogastric omnivores and unlike ruminant animals, cannot live on grass alone. Pastured pigs need some supplementation to thrive. Pig are given free access to Non GMO feed.